Bloom works with various size of clients; starting from small startups to Fortune 500. With our well-defined outsourcing engagement models ensure that our clients get the maximum benefits. As per client’s business requirement we adopt various business engagement models best suitable to execute the project. We work with three team deployment models – Onshore, Offshore and Nearshore as per the team requirement and business engagement required. With our flexible business engagement models we ensure that we complete the project on time with minimal investment of resources while maintaining the high delivery standards.
Engagement Models

Fixed Time & Cost Estimate
If the scope of project is clear and well-defined, we usually go with Fixed Time and Cost Estimate model. In this model the cost of full project is fixed and defined in advance. The payment milestones are also tied to various project completion milestones. This allow us to achieve the required goals with set time-line and manage project easily since scope is defined. When the scope of project (project requirements) are very clear, clients prefer fixed cost model to achieve on-time and on-budget delivery.

Time & Material
If the scope of project is not very clear or defined in advance, or where flexibility of development is required, clients usually go with Time and Material option. Although visibility of project time completion is reduced in this model, but it allow clients to make changes in project scope in near-real-time basis and pivot in right direction. In this model projects are billed on hourly, daily or monthly basis as per resource consumption.

Offshore Development Centre
Bloom will help you setup the complete team in India by selecting the right team members (technical, functional, infrastructure, security, managers, etc.) and dedicatedly deploy for your project. The team is hired typically by looking at long term strategy of project / program of your IT function. Clients have complete control over the team, infrastructure and security measures. We’ve expertise in creating separate labs for clients with restricted access to entry into those labs/centres.

Hub & Spoke
Bloom offers Hub and Spoke model to cater to distributed teams across different geographical locations to deliver projects effectively from multiple locations. This model help our clients to decentralize the project and effectively outsource to various spokes (delivery centres) and avail quick turnaround, optimized cost and get quality delivery.

Software Creation & IP Rights Transfer
Bloom specialize in product development, whereas the complete applications, products or few components of software are developed with complete transfer of IP rights to client. The Foreground IP of the solution will belong to Client. The background IP will remain with Bloom. Foreground IP refers to process details and other information specifically obtained during interaction with Client. Background IP refers to frameworks, reusable code and other items that Bloom bring in to the project based on their expertise and knowledge repositories. Clients enjoy rebranding of solution and utilize locally in their geography of with worrying about regulations.