Agile Methodology for mobile app development

Agile Methodology is utilized by many software development companies as an alternative to traditional methods of project management. There are many challenges & limitations experienced by the leading software developers which are often backed by the problems such as, customer involvement, flexibility issues, constant evaluation, infrequent releases, delay in product delivery, etc. These are some issues which are responsible for the rise of agile methodology, which is a great solution for the software developers who are facing challenges in traditional methods of development.
What is Agile Methodology?
Software development is going through many innovations & technical enhancements that are creating a trend until we find some solution on the new challenges. Similarly, agile software development is the methodology introduced as a solution to many difficulties in development.
Agile Methodology is becoming a popular development approach in many mobile app development companies. This method helps to maintain transparency between development team & customer, increasing customer engagement in the development process. Customer requirements & feedback is scheduled in the sprints, which help the developers to focus on the modifications before going for a new release. The mobile app development needs high quality user experience; using agile methods- all the functionalities are breakdown into smaller parts in order to meet the quality of every single customer requirement.
How it can impact on mobile app development?
1. Frequent changes can be carried out
Most of the time client requests for modifications at the last moment, developers find it difficult to implement at the end. Using agile methodology, additional changes occurred at any moment, can be carried out easily without interrupting the ongoing development flow. Sometimes client come out with frequent changes which are influenced by the rapidly changing market demands. Agile methodology provides flexibility to the client to request modifications at the later stages of development too.
2. Testing is performed simultaneously besides development
Testing is a part of development process with utmost importance; it helps in verifying the success of code. If testing is performed simultaneously besides development, it assures the performance at the same moment, preventing the issues at the time of release.
3. Breaking down functional requirements improves quality
Agile methodology allows breakdown of large number of functional requirements into manageable chunks, which enables the developers to work in detail on every requirement, resulting in improved quality. When each functionality is designed separately, the user experience gets better than before every time the build is released.
4. Iterative planning & feedback loop
While using agile methods in the project, the project owner maintains a constant interaction with the project development team, which makes the process transparent & flexible. After every customer feedback, development team starts planning the new changes according to the raised demands of the customer, which doesn’t affect the speed of development. The continuous communication helps in keeping the app status updated at every stage of development; this process ensures the app remains in the competitive edge.
5. Rapid changes in technology doesn’t affect the development process
The method technology undergoes lots of changes as new advancements are introduced in the market. After every development cycle, frequent releases help companies to be responsive to the rapidly changing technology & without any pain developers are able to update the app with new enhancement.
6. Offers a light weight framework
The technical & functional landscape is evolving significantly, which affects the overall business value of the mobile app. In order to accelerate the business value, agile software development offers lightweight framework in order to maintain a focus on the rapid delivery, prioritizing the most valuable features.
7. Predictable delivery
As per the iterations being carried out at every stage & the simultaneous testing process, keeps the project status updated. Due to fixed schedule of sprints & frequent releases, the level of predictability goes high. In the agile methodology, the project runs on or before the scheduled time, which makes it easy for the software development company to deliver the project in a short period of time.
Mobile app development goes through many innovations & software developers need to keep the development process seamless & smooth in order to face the frequent changes occurring due to the competitive market scenario